>I've searched high and low, and I figure someone might be able to help
>me configure these to play together. I've gotten Clay to work with the
>standard RI components, but even after adding the following
>tomahawk-view-config.xml snippet:
>(Taken from Ryan Wynn's example) to my project, I still am getting this
>error in Jetty.
>java.lang.NullPointerException: The component identified by jsfid
>t:fileUpload could not be found
>This error is upon load of the tomahawk-view-config.xml file I've
>specified as org.apache.shale.clay.COMMON_CONFIG_FILES in my >web.xml
>I'm wondering if anybody else has seen this error... I know for a fact
>that the myfaces jar is being loaded... I'm using the following
>dependency in my maven 2 pom.xml file:
>  <groupId>myfaces</groupId>
>  <artifactId>myfaces-all</artifactId>
>  <version>1.1.1</version>

The mayfaces-all jar doesn't include the tomahawk components.  It contains the 
API and IMPL jars.

Try adding the following dependency:




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