This scenario was the main driving force for moving the RequestProcessor to
a Chain of Commands in Struts 1.3.

I believe sslext has a tiles RequestProcessor version but anyway in Struts
1.2.x you don't have much option but to create multiple flavours. Probably
the only thing you can do to make life easier is to plug your functionality
into "helper" classes that you call from whatever flavours of
RequestProcessors you require.

In Struts 1.3 then its just a case of adding and/or replacing the
appropriate commands.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Scott Purcell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 2:09 PM
Subject: Controller element question

The struts-config.xml has an element named <controller /> in which you
can add the "processorClass" attribute.

Currently a project I am working on is using the TileRequestProcessor as
the value of the processorClass attribute.

I want to be able to use the TilesRequestProcessor, but also I have
written a class that does some setup and I have created a class that
extends the RequestProcessor. So now I have two different classes that
need to be entered in the controller element.

Further down the road, I envision also needing the sslExt which is a
class that extends the RequestProcessor.

Is there a way to call multiple classes here, or do I need to create one
massive class and combine all three of the functionality?

I really don't know how to handle this.



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