Hi All,

It is a common practice to encode special characters such as ' ', %, #, :, $
etc.. when sending parameters in the query string along with the URL. We
have a similar requirement. Some of the query parameters can contain special
characters and therefore we went for UTf-8 encoding.

Before using the encoded parameters we call request.getParameter() in the
struts action class, decode these parameters and then do any further
processing. The problem comes when % is a part of the parameter value. For
instance the drugName parameter contains a value *pan% jon%. *This gets
encoded into *pan%25+jon%25*. The problem comes when we say
request.getParameter() in the action class. The value we get is already
decoded to *pan% jon%. *So now when we run the decoder it throws an

*How do i stop the automatic decoding of query parameters and do decoding of
all the query parameters explicitely? *


When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not
know it, but for the sake of defending those that do

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