>From: "Craig McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On 3/7/06, James Reynolds wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > >There is a subtle but important issue. Container managed security 
> > only 
> > >operates on the original URL to which a GET or POST was directed ... it 
> > does 
> > >*not* apply to RequestDispatcher.forward() calls. In JSF terms, that 
> > means you can protect the form submit, >but it is up to the application 
> > to decide whether or not navigation to a particular page is allowed. 
> > > 
> > >The RFE being discussed here could do something like a custom 
> > navigation handler with a pluggable strategy for >choosing whether or 
> > not navigation (according to the navigation rules) is actually going to 
> > be permitted or >not. One implementation of this strategy could be 
> > based on user roles, but you could also do something more >fine grained 
> > or context sensitive (since the strategy implementation would have 
> > access to FacesContext, it can >do whatever it needs). 
> > > 
> > >Craig 
> > 
> > 
> > I think I understand: if I use an action method to forward a user to a 
> > different page based on its String name in my Faces-Config.xml, I'm 
> > basically employing RequestDispatcher.forward(), which circumvents the 
> > container managed security. Did I get it? 
> Yep. As Gary points out, you could make your navigation rules use redirects 
> and the constraints would still be applied, but you'd have to deal with 
> passing state information yourself. 
> In theory, couldn't I set a role property for each page in its 
> > element and then conditionally render the page, or 
> > redirect elsewhere, based on my user's role stored in session? 
> The DTD for a managed-bean entry is fixed, and doesn't include a place for 
> this information. It will need to be configured elsewhere. But I'm not 
> sure that the managed bean entry would be the correct place anyway ... 
> although it is typical to have a backing bean per view, this is not 
> required. 

True.  I forgot about the case where your action contains the literal
outcome and not a EL binding.

<commandButton action="viewSalary" value="next"/>  

I see now why the navigation handler is the right place.  

> If so, should this evaluation take place in the init() method of every 
> > page's bean, or is there a better way to handle it globally? 
> My thinking was that this sort of thing could be provided either as a custom 
> NavigationHandler that consulted extra information before allowing the 
> standard navigation rule to be applied, and/or made a service object 
> available that could be consulted by your application action (and would also 
> be used by the custom NavigationHandler). This sort of thing would let you 
> use a rules engine, or compose custom logic, that the framework would ask 
> "is it ok to go from here to there, for this particular user, at this 
> particular time?". 

I like the idea of making a service and then you could use it for the
visibility of widgets in a "rendered" binding beside "forward" 
navigation.  Almost seems like a job for common chains?


> Thanks 
> Craig 

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