Weblogic has an option where you can force it load classes from the WEB-INF directory. I did that to eliminate any potential class loading conflicts... Still the same issue. I found a known issue http://edocs.bea.com/wls/docs91/issues/known_resolved.html#1056681 [CR210907] :

   Netui databinding expression language fails when BeanInfo overrides
   JavaBean property names.

   Evaluation of expressions in the Netui databinding expression
   language throws errors when BeanInfo netui databinding EL does not
   to work when java.beans.BeanInfo is used to override JavaBean
   property names.

   *Workaround or Solution*:

   Do not override JavaBean property names using BeanInfo if you use a
   JavaBean in Netui databinding. If you must databind to such a bean,
   wrap the bean in a UI version of the bean that follows the JavaBean
   property naming convention.

Struts-el is essentially doing the same thing with mapping the property names using BeanInfo for each tag class.

This is just a guess, at this point I am running out of idea...

Servlet 2.4 is an option, just have a very large application that we will have to figure out how to port over...

Thanks for all the comments/suggestions.


Wendy Smoak wrote:

On 3/14/06, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Slightly offtopic but still relevant: what is meant by "container
provides support for JSTL 1.1"? Because Tomcat 5 supports SRV 2.4, but
does not have jstl.jar and standard.jar in shared or endorsed
directory. At least 5.5.16 distro does not have them, but example WARs
bundled the this distro have these libraries in their respective
WEB-INF/lib directories.

I'm just guessing that perhaps Weblogic 9.1 *does* provide a JSTL 1.1
implementation in some shared area, and that it might be causing
conflicts.  The spec doesn't forbid a container from providing a JSTL
implementation, does it?

Something is clearly wrong, you should be able to drop a properly
configured Servlet 2.3 app into a container that supports Servlet 2.4,
and have it just work.  (For example, I have several Struts EL/Servlet
2.3/JSTL 1.0 apps deployed to Tomcat 5.5 with no problems.)

If Servlet 2.4 is  an option, my advice is to use that, plus JSTL 1.1
and the original Struts taglibs.


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