I'd like to ask about the LookupDispatchAction
If my action extends from LookupDispatchAction, can I use the execute method
In case the user request the Action Directly? not from clicking a button?

I want the action to do the following:
1- Load the page
2- When the user click on button X it will execute function X
3- When the user click on the button Y it will execute function Y
4- When the user click on the button Z it will execute function Z

I have another problem, the button Y,Z have the same value "add" how can I
distinguish between them?

Thanks for your help.

On 2/17/06, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Use this one: http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/attachment.cgi?id=17485
> The related ticket:
> http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=38343
> This class is better, simpler and leaner than LookupDispatchAction.
> Michael.
> On 2/16/06, Sun Shine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have a page with multiple 'links'. One is an image
> > button and another is a simple submit button.
> >
> > I was using a Dispatch action that maps to each one of
> > these buttons, using javascript to set the
> > methodToCall on each of the buttons. worked like a
> > charm until...
> >
> > I was informed I cannot use javascript for page
> > direction(in case users browser is javascript
> > disabled.).
> >
> > So, the only way I could think of is to wrap the img
> > and submit button around an href and link to my
> > dispatch action (e.g. < a href="/MyDispatch.do"/>.
> >
> > Now, it seems it's skipping my validation done in the
> > action form.
> >
> > Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong OR is there a
> > better way(I'm sure there is...). how about
> > LookupDispatchAction?
> >
> > Any help is greatly appreciated!!
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