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Nandakishore Nekkanti wrote:
HI Teodor Danciu

I am facing a problem while using Jasper Reports.

I am using JRxlsExporter to export to Excel fromat.I want to export the
report to a file  and i want all the data  to be appended to the same
file.Why i am forcing to do like this is , If my report

contains records more than 2 lakh then the ResultSet obj is suffering with
OutofMemory.To avoid this  we are running query in batches.In this case i
need to generate only one file for all the

ResultSet objs that i will get .

                            For this i have created one FileOutputStream obj
in append mode.I am setting this obj to JRxlsExporter .When i run my
application with different ResultSet obj's the size of

the file is increasing.So i can say that data is appending to the file . But
if  i open the file i am not finding any changes in that .When i close the
file it is immediately coming  to previous size.

Why it is happening like this.Please help me to sort out this problem.Or
please suggest any other solution to get out of  OutOfMemory error other
than increasing heap size.

                         Thank u

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