Can you prefix non-struts questions with [OT] in the subject please.

    <ant antfile="build2.xml" target="foo"/>


On 3/17/06, temp temp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In  ant build.xml can I call a target from other ant build.xml
>  For Example   I have two ant build scripts build1.xml and  build2.xml
>  and default target from build1.xml   below
>      <target name="build_app" depends="clean,compile">
>          <copy todir="${app.home}/${}">
>              <fileset dir="${dist.home}" includes="**/*.jar" />
>              <fileset dir="${dist.home}" includes="**/*.war" />
>          </copy>
>      </target>
>  In  the above target can I call a target from build2.xml ?
>  Thanks & Regards
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