Also, you'll need to move the html:javascript tag inside the html:form tag. The reason you're getting an error looking up the form bean is because it only exists within the scope of html:form tag. Note that this requirement is generally true for form-based tag in the html taglib.


Ted Husted wrote:
The MailReader application for 1.3 uses DynaValidatorForm's. You could
change those to
DynaValidatorActionForm to test the syntax changes.


HTH, Ted.

On 3/21/06, Vinny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Anyone have an example of using client
side validation with a DynaValidatorActionForm ?

I see no examples in here
and while the javascript tag descrption is thorough:
I find it  sort of useless outside of context.

I am using the path attribute as the key in my validation.xml
The form associated with the action is a DynaValidatorActionForm.

<html:form action = "/FooLookupAction" onsubmit="return

// stuff here

<html:javascript formName="LookupAction" />

now I realize this syntax must be very wrong because I'm getting:
ServletException:  No form found under 'FooLookupAction' in locale 'en_US'

I know that it is  done one way if you use a normal ActionForm for and
another way
for  DynaValidator* . I'm  piuzzled as to why usage examples on the
various permutations
of client side validation have not yet slipped into the docs after all
these years.

Thanks in advance.

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HTH, Ted.

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