I have been playing with the shale-blank app and I have a problem.

How do you deal with putting your jsp pages under WEB-INF ie in WEB-INF/pages?
(presumably this is a more secure place to put your jsp pages)

Everything works fine if I move the welcome.jsp into pages/welcome.jsp at the web app level
and define the managed bean as:

When I move welcome.jsp to WEB-INF/pages and define the managed bean as

and change the index.jsp to
<jsp:forward page="/WEB-INF/pages/welcome.faces"/>

and outputing in welcome.jsp with
<h:outputText value="#{WEB-INF$pages$welcome.timestamp}" >...

I get The current date and time is: Dec 31, 1969 7:00:00 PM EST

if I look at the attributes in requestScope I see
WEB-INF$pages$welcomeWed Mar 22 14:52:01 EST 2006
Which is what it should be.

What am I missing?  Why isn't the page picking up the correct timestamp from
the welcome bean?

Mark Shifman

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