First of all Thank you Laurie, you are the only one anwering my questions :):
  Here are my struts-config.xml entries for the actions and formbean ( I 
neglected the path and anything).
 <form-bean name="testingForm" type="TestingForm" /> 
 <forward name="displayTesting" path="/"/>
 <action path="/displayAction" type="DisplayAction" 
  validate="false" >
 <action path="/testingSaveAction"   type="TestingSaveAction" 
  name="testingForm" scope="session" 
  validate="true" input="displayTesting">
    <forward name="success" path="susscess.jsp" />  

Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  We'll need to see the relevant parts of your struts-config.xml too 
(specifically, the form bean and action mapping definitions).


Carl Smith wrote:
> I have a jsp containing an indexed test box field, and I need to validate the 
> user enter a value into all the text boxes when clicking on the save button. 
> Validation is done OK, but there is an issue. Let me give you an example 
> illustrating the issue: if there are three text boxes, the user enters 1, 2 
> into the first two boxes, but didn't enter anything in the third box, struts 
> validation catch and display the correct validation error on the jsp saying 
> he/she needs to enter values for all the text boxes, then it wipes out 1 and 
> 2, which is not what I wanted. What I wanted was that when displaying the 
> validation error, it should keep 1 and 2 which was entered by the user. Any 
> suggestions? I appreciate your helps!
> Here are my classes:
> public class TestingForm extends ValidatorActionForm {
> private LabelValueBean[] listOfItems ;
> public LabelValueBean[] getListOfItems() {
> return listOfItems;
> }
> public void setListOfItems(LabelValueBean[] beans) {
> listOfItems = beans;
> }
> }
> public class DisplayAction extends org.apache.struts.action.Action { 
> public ActionForward execute(
> ActionMapping mapping,
> ActionForm form,
> HttpServletRequest request,
> HttpServletResponse response)
> throws NestedException {
> TestingForm testingForm = (TestingForm) form;
> LabelValueBean[] listOfItems = new LabelValueBean[3];
> LabelValueBean bean1 = new LabelValueBean("1", "");
> LabelValueBean bean2 = new LabelValueBean("2", "");
> LabelValueBean bean3 = new LabelValueBean("3", "");
> listOfItems[0]=bean1;
> listOfItems[1]=bean2;
> listOfItems[2]=bean3;
> testingForm.setListOfItems(listOfItems); 
> return mapping.findForward("myJsp.jsp");
> }
> }
> myJsp.jsp
> logic:iterate name="testingForm" property="listOfItems" id="labelValue">
> Indexed field to be validated: 

> /logic:iterate> 
> Save
> In validaton.xml I set up the validation for the indexed filed:
> ---------------------------------
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