Hello Tom,

In short, there is no panacea or golden formula. I usually go for EJBs for my business logic (so, RMI & JMS). You can bypass RMI when on the same JVM by using local interfaces and in some servers AFAIK you dont even have to explicitly do that.

Personally, i try to avoid web services, especially the SOAP/WSDL crap but thats just me. REST might be good if you like it. I have seen several systems working perfectly for years with simple XML messaging (asynchronous or not) over HTTP; it's the implementation quality that matters here.



Tom Ziemer wrote:


I am a developer, currently working working on a medium scale app. There
is a base module, which is Spring managed, that handles data access - a
web tier and now a couple of web services. Up until now, we deployed
everything as one application, so communication between the modules was
API-based and thus not really an issue. Now I am wondering, whether it
is prudent to deploy each module separately and add a communication layer.

So my question is, whether or not it is sensible to break the app apart
(for the sake of modularity) and if so, how the individual components
should communicate with each other.

- Most of my requests to the business layer will be synchronous, so I am
not sure whether JMS is the right technology to apply.

- RMI would result in a very tight coupling and I'd be restricted to
using JAVA everywhere.

- CORBA - haven't used it yet.

- SOAP - great when interoperability is an requirement, lots of overhead

I am not trying to start a rant about which technology is better - I am
simply looking for the best solution for my problem. Surely, many of you
had to make a similar decision at one point or another, so I'd be
grateful if you would share your experiences and/or advise on how I
should proceed.


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