There have been many time in history when an individual
catholic _has_ been more catholic than the Pope.
I am simply giving my opinion.

On 3/29/06, Jonathan Revusky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vinny wrote:
> > I still say that struts 1.x has not "lost" to webwork.
> > When I do a quick unscientific search on for
> > "struts" I get over 1000 jobs listed. The same search for "webwork"
> > yields 22 jobs. Apparently struts "won" on the business front,
> That's a different question entirely. The question posed up top here in
> the subject line is: "Why did Struts development stagnate?"
> Actually, you could append to that question, given this above data --
> "Why did Struts development stagnate -- *despite* having such a huge
> user community and so on and so forth.... as documented above...."
> > I don't think that is even debatable.
> Well, I don't either. That's why that is not the subject of the debate.
> > Now if we want to talk about
> > technical prowess then maybe Jonathan might have a point.
> It was about technical prowess. "Struts development" -- the fact that
> the Struts developers have abandoned the 1.x codebase decided to base
> "Struts Action 2" on the Webwork codebase.
> > I can't comment
> > on it because like a good little scientist I'd like to do some
> > experiments first.
> Well, look, Vinny, if the Struts developers themselves prefer to base
> Struts 2 on Webwork, they are saying that Webwork is technically better.
> If you want to defend Struts 1.x after that, then you're in the position
> of being more catholic than the pope.
> Jonathan Revusky
> --
> lead developer, FreeMarker project,
> > To me this seems like a nice merger that benefits both projects.
> > The betamax vs VHS , RISC vs CISC, frameworkC vs frameworkD, Bush vs Kerry
> > debates are  rapidly becoming background noise to me.
> >
> > On 3/29/06, Jonathan Revusky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>Niall Pemberton wrote:
> >>
> >>>----- Original Message -----
> >>>From: "Jonathan Revusky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2006 11:27 PM
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>It still seems broadly on-topic to me. It's certainly a legitimate,
> >>>>well-formulated question.
> >>>>
> >>>>Seriously, the only other possibility I see is struts-dev. If it's
> >>>>off-topic on both struts-user and struts-dev, then the question really
> >>>>is (as I am starting to suppose) basically taboo.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>The question isn't taboo - I posed the same kind of thing (and offered one
> >>>perspective) in an earlier thread:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>However I don't think what I said in that thread was the whole story -
> >>>clearly frameworks such as WebWork succeeded and I assume they were a
> >>>volunteer effort as well.
> >>
> >>Yes, the bulk of your explanation there seemed to be that Struts was an
> >>all-volunteer effort and so on.
> >>
> >>This could not possibly be why it fell behind Webwork.
> >>
> >>
> >>>We currently have 22 committers on Struts -
> >>
> >>Out of curiosity, what is your rough guess as to how many of these 22
> >>people committed any code in the last... year, let's say.
> >>
> >>
> >>>but levels of activity vary
> >>>widely and I would say that the type of talented people it takes to drive a
> >>>project forward (and I don't include myself in that group) no longer have 
> >>>an
> >>>interest in doing so on the Action 1 side - for various reasons. People 
> >>>such
> >>>as Craig put their effort into developing the JSF standard and see that as
> >>>the future for web development and that is where they now concentrate their
> >>>effort. Don was doing alot of work inovating with Struts Ti
> >>
> >>Well, I was not aware of this. However, you mean that Struts TI was a
> >>complete rewrite of the framework? I mean, was there a tacit assumption
> >>there that Struts 1.x could not be evolved forward and required a
> >>complete rewrite?
> >>
> >>
> >>>and had the
> >>>offer to merge not come along from WebWork - we would probably be seeing 
> >>>the
> >>>fruits of his efforts as Action2 and not even discussing "stagnation" at
> >>>this point. Ted was AWOL doing C# for a while (hes been "back" for a while
> >>>which is good :-), Martin seems focused on javascript etc. etc. So I guess
> >>>this leads to the next question "Well why didn't we attract new talented
> >>>people into the project that would drive Struts forward?" This I don't
> >>>know - seems that lots of people decided to go invent their own web
> >>>framework (YAWF) rather than get involved with Struts. Some of that is
> >>>certainly their own egos being the "founder of a framework" and some of it 
> >>>I
> >>>believe is the compatibility issue - its far easier to write a brand new
> >>>shiny web framework when not hampered by backwards compatibility. Whether 
> >>>we
> >>>as a community "put them off" I have no knowledge - but I've never seem 
> >>>that
> >>>proferred anywhere as a reason. It was always something like "Struts sucks
> >>>because of x, y and z and my brand new shiny framework does it better".
> >>>Course its far easier to invent a new framework by looking at existing ones
> >>>and seeing how you can improve them. Back to the "new people" question
> >>>though - its not my perspective that we have lots of people knocking at the
> >>>door trying to give us contributions and we're turning them away. I believe
> >>>its easy to become a Struts committer - you offer reasonable code, are
> >>>helpful in the community (e.g. answering questions on the user list), been
> >>>around a while and don't start flame wars or attack people personally - 
> >>>then
> >>>you get asked. Theres probably 2/3 people who probably think they should
> >>>have been asked, but haven't - they may or may no have a point - but 
> >>>besides
> >>>them I don't see it as a case of Struts excluding people and I don't have 
> >>>an
> >>>explanation for why there are not hoards of people wanting to join.
> >>
> >>Well, first of all, on the question of people going off and doing their
> >>own framework, you have to basically figure that some of these people
> >>just didn't think that they could apply their ideas in this setting. If
> >>somebody with a fire in their belly and some innovative ideas had showed
> >>up here and wanted to work on that, would they have been able to do so?
> >>
> >>After all, the fact remains that everybody knows that any work they do
> >>under the ASF umbrella will get much more attention and usage than it
> >>would otherwise. This is the main (probably the only) reason that the
> >>Webwork people have come here. So, a priori, your saying that you aren't
> >>attracting collaborators is really quite odd, isn't it?
> >>
> >>The thing is, Niall, that pretty much all the times you get a new
> >>collaborator, that person was first a user. Typically that someone is a
> >>"power user", and is pushing the limits of what the tool can do, and
> >>starts donating code to make the tool more powerful, and next thing you
> >>know, the guy is a collaborator.
> >>
> >>Now, you've got a lot of users, so that this basic mechanism doesn't
> >>operate is rather odd.
> >>
> >>What I have noticed is that the communication with your user community
> >>is rather poor. Basically, for all of it, the bulk of your users seem
> >>completely clued out as to what is going on with the Webwork merger.
> >>
> >>For example, you get people flaming me because I am saying that Webwork
> >>is better than Struts. They say "stop bashing Struts". But I am saying
> >>exactly what the Struts developers are saying! They have accepted that
> >>Webwork is better than Struts! So am I supposed to be more catholic than
> >>the pope?
> >>
> >>Also these people assume that I must be a Webwork developer. Somebody
> >>wrote a spoof of me in which I was praising Webwork to the skies! I have
> >>nothing to do with Webwork. I have never even used it. When I say
> >>Webwork is better, I am simply echoing what the Struts PMC are already
> >>saying.
> >>
> >>So, I mean, some of this is just going on because people don't know
> >>what's going on. I see a real communications failure.
> >>
> >>If people really knew that the current Struts 1.x codebase is being
> >>abandoned, you would think that there would be a lot more threads on
> >>this list about migration issues. "I've got this Struts 1.x App and I
> >>just was having a look at Webwork, which is going to be Struts Action 2
> >>and have various questions about how my app can be migrated...." I don't
> >>see threads like that, which means to me that you have not communicated
> >>to  your rank and file users what is really going on here.
> >>
> >>Now, if there really is a problem in terms of user<->developer
> >>communication here, it would explain why the process whereby certain
> >>power users become collaborators is not happening as often as it should.
> >>And this would be a factor in the stagnation.
> >>
> >>Certainly, given the size of the user community, even if 1 in 100 people
> >>eventually became committers via that process, you would have a lot of
> >>active committers.
> >>
> >>That a community like webwork with far fewer users nonetheless has a
> >>more active, real developer team, is really something to look at.
> >>
> >>Certainly, in earlier discussions, most people just seemed to think that
> >>it was really hard to become a commmitters. So if that is a
> >>misconception, it is a widely held one. There's something odd going on here.
> >>
> >>
> >>>Another answer to the question is "it hasn't stagnated -
> >>
> >>
> >>Stop, Niall, stop. That's not an answer. :-) Let's not go around
> >>completely in circles.
> >>
> >>
> >>>we've moved on to
> >>>Shale" and that is the future for existing Struts users.
> >>
> >>Well, if that is the case, you haven't communicated it to your users.
> >>
> >>I grant that if you are going to communicate something to your users,
> >>you should probably have a consistent message. The Action/Shale
> >>cohabitation seems to almost preclude having a consistent message.
> >>
> >>Anyway, JSF/Shale is just something completely different
> >>paradigmatically and the idea of that as "Struts 2" is really quite odd.
> >>
> >>
> >>>Clearly there are
> >>>quite a few people that will disagree with this - but also alot that will
> >>>say "great I buy JSF as the future and I'm glad the Struts project has an
> >>>offering that supports this".
> >>
> >>Well, unless you are offering migration tools or a compatibility layer
> >>or something, how does it benefit your users that Shale is under the
> >>"Struts umbrella" any more than if it was a separate project? I mean,
> >>it's a paradigmatic shift that you have to get head around either way
> >>and existing apps would need to be refactored.
> >>
> >>
> >>>At the end of the day though this does seem academic,  - since we now have 
> >>>two
> >>>offering for whatever camp you fall into (component orientated or action
> >>>orientated) and from my point of view the really good thing about the
> >>>WebWork merger is not only the great software were getting - but also the
> >>>talented new blood thats coming into the project.
> >>
> >>Well, if you accept that the Webwork people just ran the better project,
> >>you guys failed to keep Struts 1.x going at least in terms of innovation
> >>and development, then by that logic, the current Struts PMC should just
> >>step down probably and let the Webwork people run the show.
> >>
> >>If the same PMC that presided over technical stagnation before is going
> >>to remain the managers of the project, then I think it isn't an academic
> >>question. You have to examine the mistakes you made before.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>So I've given my answer to the question - now can we let this list get back
> >>>to helping and answering user questions - which is its main purpose?
> >>
> >>Niall, I don't know what you're talking about here. I see no sign that
> >>the list stopped helping people and answering their questions due to the
> >>presence of this thread.
> >>
> >>You were giving some signs that you now were willing to talk about this.
> >>You've had a certain say about this now. You've stepped forward and said
> >>the topic is not taboo. Well, now you're saying, let's not talk about it
> >>any more, i.e. I broke the taboo temporarily to get this guy off my
> >>back, but nudge nudge, wink, wink, the topic really is taboo.
> >>
> >>Okay, maybe that wasn't your intent, but if not, and the topic isn't
> >>taboo, how do you know other people don't have opinions to express now?
> >>
> >>Again, the idea that this is an either-or proposition and the list has
> >>to choose between talking about this and helping people by answering
> >>technical questions is actually absurd, isn't it?
> >>
> >>Jonathan Revusky
> >>--
> >>lead developer, FreeMarker project,
> >>
> >>
> >>>Niall
> >>
> >>
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> >
> >
> > --
> > Ghetto Java:
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