On 4/4/06, Mário Lopes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>1) I tried using Eclipse, as I've always did, for developing. What IDE
>>do you suggest?
Eclipse is a good choice.

>>2) I noticed that each time I did a simple change I had to build with
>>ant to package a .war and then restart Tomcat to recognize it. Tomcat
>>takes 20 secs to load which is absolutely unbearable. Is there a more
>>agile way of doing things?
You can create a xml file and put it under
${TOMCAT_HOME}/conf/Catalina/localhost. In this file you point to your
exclipse target directory (my target directory is the src directory, so
I don't have to build the war. If I save a file in the eclipse IDE the
tomcat will restart). So the tomcat will start, if you change a
ressource in the classpath and do not restart, if you change only a jsp.

For example:

<Context path="/myapp" docBase="/home/mwolff/struts-it/src/webapp"
        <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
                prefix="strutsit" suffix=".txt"

>>3) Is MyEclipse worth it?
I think, MyEclipse is a good but not a nessacary extension.



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