
Using the struts-config.xml file to configure your message resources is
preferred as it gives you quite a bit of additional flexibility: 
You can list multiple message-resources tags to load messages from
multiple files. If you do this, use the key attribute to give a unique
name to each bundle. e.g.: 

<message-resources key="myResources"
<message-resources key="moreResources"
You would then have to give the key name when using the bean:message

<bean:message bundle="moreResources" key="some.message.key"/>
Kind regards,
Rakesh Bhat 
The Global IT Services  business from i-flex - "Add Value Reduce Risk"
i-flex solutions limited - Bangalore
Phone : +91(080) 5759-6873
Email :  Rakesh.Bhat@ iflexsolutions.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Anuradha S.Athreya [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 11:10 AM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: Displaying messages from multiple resource bundles 
Importance: Low

I am displaying messages in JSP using resource bundle. 

I have 2 separate bundles. Depending on the message I would like it to
picked up from the particular bundle to which that message belongs to.
do I specify the multiple bundles?

this doesnt seem to work:
 <html:messages bundle="viewmessages" id="message"  message='true'>
        <bean:write name="message"/>                            

<html:messages bundle="errormessages" id="message"  message='true'>
                        <bean:write name="message"/>


I have defined both these bundles in struts-config.xml

<message-resources key="viewmessages" parameter="resources.application"

<message-resources key="errormessages"

Anuradha S.Athreya 

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