On 4/5/06, Karin Schellner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Struts 1.2.7 with the LookupDispatchAction and everything
> works fine, as long as the labels of the buttons (=values of the keys of
> the resourcebundles) are not using special characters. If there are
> special characters I get the following error:
> missing resource 'Hinzuf�' in key method map
> so it seems, that there is a problem with the special character "ü"
> (\u00FC), because the real value should be 'Hinzufügen' - but cannot be
> interpreted and is therefore replaced by a question mark.
> In my messageresource property-file I have replaced all special
> characters with the according \uxxxx-coding, but it seems that at some
> other place (struts-config.xml ?!) I have to tell the Struts-framework
> to use Unicode ...
> Thanks in advance for any hints in this matter!

I suggest you upgrade to 1.2.9, throw out LookupDispatchAction and use


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