I am evaluating Shale.  I realize it is a work in progress and that nothing
is fully finallized/stable and I expect there to be issues.  I also expect
great things from Shale in the future and want to help track down issues for
development.  Hence, my eval.  I've got some questions about Clay...

I have searched the mailing list archives and found psuedo answers to my
issues but nothing concrete.  I am trying to utalize tapestry like views and
full HTML layout.  I've read the online doc and downloaded and read the PDF
doc.  I have also looked at the code for the Use Case Roladex which seemed
to just confuse me more.  I know people have asked for a simpler example of
using Clay already, so I won't.  But I would like some clarification.

If I want to use tapestry like views and full html layout, do I need the
clay-template-suffix context param and do I need to map the servlet to the
same extension.  Also the documentation shows the clay-template-suffix as
.clay and then the servlet mapping as .html.  It states both should be the
same.  Is HTML preferred?

Exactly what file should I place my component declarations in and where
should this file reside?

For full HTML layout, do I need a JSP that pulls in the appropriate template
using the clay-shale taglib?

Is there currently any other documentation that I am not aware of concerning

Thanks a bunch and I look forward to Shale's growth.

Gregg Bolinger

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