This is helpful, but not *exactly* what I am looking for.
What I am looking for is used for debugging purposes during runtime.


Thanks again Don.


Don Brown wrote:
I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but I've found it useful
in the past:

Basically, it is Javadoc for Struts, Tiles, and stxx configuration.

Struts Action 2 (and WebWork) has:
 - SiteGraph
 - Config Browser

If you have any other ideas of tools that would be useful, let us know.


On 4/13/06, Matthew J. Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all,

Last week I saw a blog which showed how to display information at the
beginning of your JSP about Struts such as which action the request was
mapped to, the form being used, and associated information like the
request headers.  I should have bookmarked it, but I didn't.  I have
checked my history, googled for it, etc., but cannot find it again.
Does anyone know what I am talking about and/or can they post a link for
this information?  Or does anyone have something similar?  Thanks for
your help.


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