> I totally agree with you about doing this kind of checking in an action
> class and I AM doing it there. However, the problem is that I still need a
> way to prevent a user from going to the jsp w/o first logging in.

Matthew already offered this but I'll reiterate; in general it's
generally accepted practice (nowadays, anyway) to put JSP pages under
WEB-INF (although I guess this doesn't work under JSF, as was pointed
out to me sometime back?) and access pages _only_ through Struts Actions.

> I'll look into JSTL. Are you saying it has "if-then-else" type of
> processing? Could you point me in the right direction for that and for the
> "check if object exists in session" issue?

<c:choose>, <c:when...> and <c:otherwise> tags.

<c:if test="${empty sessionUser}"> where "sessionUser" is replaced with
the session user attribute key.

> Also, I haven't used filters before. We just upgraded from Struts 1.0.2 so
> I'm pretty ignorant of all the features of newest version of Struts. Is
> this some kind of Struts filter or what is described here?
> http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/Filters.html

Yes; generic Servlet 2.3 filters or use the DependencyFilter from Frank
Zammetti's Java Web Parts or...


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