Here is the solution for this

just make sure to add message="true" in the html:messages tag

IN jsp
<html:messages id="CrditRtMsg" property="CreditRate" message="true">
     <c:out value="${CrditRtMsg}" />    or just ${CrditRtMsg}

From: "fea jabi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <>
Subject: ActionMessages not working
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 13:57:46 -0400

in action I have

ActionMessages messages = (ActionMessages)frm.validate( mapping, request );
       if ( messages != null && !messages.isEmpty() ) {
           saveMessages(request, messages);  ********* ****************
           return (mapping.findForward("validFailed"));
       }else {
           //No ActionMessages/Errors
           if(isTokenValid(request, true)) {
               //do calculate

IN jsp
<html:messages id="CrditRtMsg" property="CreditRate">
      <c:out value="${CrditRtMsg}" />

When I debug I see the messages in the action. But the jsp doesn't display them?
Also, when changed the
saveMessages() to saveErrors() in the action method above, can see the messages. everything works fine as expected.

why is this? what changes have to be made?


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