Hi Everybody,


My form bean has a BigDecimal field called chargeFee with default value
of 0 (new BigDecimal(0)).


This field directly maps to an html text field on my web page. The web
page looks something like this


Client ID = 

Credit Amount=

Charge Fee=

Final Credit Amount= (Credit Amount - Charge Fee)


On my webpage I have a display button and a submit button.


The first time the user enters the Client ID and hits display button on
the web page, I have to populate the chargeFee from a database.


So I do something like this.






And the value from database is always greater than 0. 


The user is allowed to change the chargeFee back to 0 and then I have to
use 0 to calculate the Final Credit Amount.


But my code (shown above), would get the value from database anytime the


So how do I distinguish between the two cases?


1.      When the chargeFee came as 0 because the default is 0 and the
user had not entered any value.
2.      When the chargeFee came as 0 because the user had deliberately
made it 0.



Thanks in advance for any help.






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