I found mapping.setInput but i get an error when i try to change it telling me

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Configuration is frozen

How do u temporarily unfreeze my configuration so I can change my input ??


Troy Bull said the following on 5/4/2006 1:37 PM:

I have an application i have inherited. There is a situation where 2 jsp's submit to the same action with the same form bean. In the validation function inside the form bean if there is one type of error I want to set the input parameter to /jsp1.jsp and put an ActionError on the ActionErrors. If there is an error of type 2 I want to set the input parameter to /jsp2.jsp and put an error on the ActionsErrors.

The just of all this is: the input parameter is set in struts-config.xml and it validation fails it goes back to this jsp for the user to fix it. I need to change the input jsp page dynamically from inside the form bean.

Please help

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