On Thu, May 4, 2006 3:56 pm, Michael Jouravlev said:
> I see the value of a dispatch action primarily as input (post-,
> submit, accept) action, not as a render (pre-, setup) action. Your
> /showAccont.do mapping is a render action, therefore it will likely
> not be covered by dispatch action.
> /updateAccount.do is an input action, you would likely protect this one.
> On the other hand, the above "*.do" things are not actions, they are
> action _mappings_. Two mappings can refer to the same action class.
> The roles protect URLs, not actual Java classes (roles do not have to
> know anything about Struts). So here you are: you can have two or more
> mappings in a struts-config.xml file that refer to the same action
> class, which it turn, combines all needed functionality.

Ah, you know, brainfart moment here... you are of course right! :-)  I
could blame it on the 4-5 hours of sleep a night I've gotten the past two
months, but I won't.  Should have seen the obvious, but didn't.  D'OH.

> Michael.


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