On 5/4/06, Bryce Nesbitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've just been gifted with a struts application to maintain.
Things are pretty good, but here are two little mysteries I
need a little help on.  The struts jsp looks like:

<td><html:link page="/"><html:img page="/images/logo.gif"
width="326" height="111" hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0"

And the resulting HTML is like this:

<td><a href="/;jsessionid=XXXXXXXXXXX"><img
height="111" width="326" border="0" hspace="0" vspace="0"

Why the ";" in the jessionid, instead of &?

The servlet spec requires that the session identifier be a "path parameter"
rather than a "query parameter".  In the syntax of a URL, you can actually
add path parameters after any element of the path (
http://localhost:8080/foo;bar=baz/bop), but the session id goes on the last

And why is there no "/" at the end of the img tag, which is
inconsistent with the rest of the XHTML markup.

Which version of Struts are you using?  I vaguely recall problems like this
in the very early ones, but not more recently.

These two small issues annoy the Tidy HTML validator in
Firefox, http://users.skynet.be/mgueury/mozilla/

It may be that the validator needs to be made to understand what a path
parameter is.

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