The input property is not necessarily or even ideally an error page output.
The input property can be used for a lot of things which are very
different.  The input property is the input property and you can do with it
whatever you like.  Most often this is used as a place to forward control,
but not necessarily because of an error.  If you want to have an intelligent
relation between forms and actions, input is essential and is not used for
errors.  Error pages should be used for errors.

On 5/3/06, Michael Jouravlev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* "input" property should be deprecated
* if it is not deprecated, then it should be at least renamed to
"error", because "input" is a misleading name

"input" property is not an input page, it is the location where
control is forwarded in case of error. I think that "input page that
preceds an action" and "the target location for situation when error
occurred" are totally different concepts.

The request always comes to an action class, not to some related page
like "input". Well, except the situation when you have
validate="true", your request data does not validate, and control goes
to "input" page without your action class being called at all. This
sucks if you ask me.


"You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back."
~Dakota Jack~

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