Hello Rick,

Rick Reumann wrote:
> Andreas Hartmann wrote:
>> Hello Tarun,
>> Tarun Reddy wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> You can do this way,
>>> <logic:iterate name="Portal" property="deaktserver" id="srv">
>>>     <html:multibox property="inaktmachines">
>>>           <bean:write name="srv" />
>>>     </html:multibox>
>>> </logic:iterate>
>>> This should work.
>> This produces an Unterminated &lt;html:multibox tag.
> You sure you aren't missing the </html:multibox> ? Double check your typing.

My fault :-(. I didn't recognize the closing ">" after the property-value.
Now, it's working fine. Thank you to both, Tarun and Rick, for your great

Is the component <bean:write name="srv" /> above used as nested body
content of the html:multibox tag?

>> Btw: the property deaktserver resolves to a
>> get/setDeaktserver() which gets or sets an ArrayList <String>.
> I'm fairly certain your backing form bean property needs to be an array 
> (String[] typically) and not a List for a multibox. (I might be wrong, 
> though, but try changing it to String[] just to see.)

The get-/setDeaktserver backing form is used in the iterate-tag. The
backing form for the multibox is inaktmachines, which is an Array <String>.

Kind regards,
Andreas Hartmann

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