On 5/11/06, Kalcevich, Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, I briefly looked at it.  It might not be what I am looking for if
I cannot use it within my Actions, and not just on the JSP.  Like I
said, I haven't look at it too much yet though.

If you are using JSF 1.1 today, you can execute value binding and method
binding expressions programmatically.  Code might look something like this:

   FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
   ValueBinding vb = context.getApplication().createValueBinding("Hello #{
customer.name} !!!");
   String result = (String) vb.getValue(context);

In a Java EE 5 setting (which includes JSP 2.1 and JSF 1.2), the expression
language stuff has been migrated out to a separate package that can be
invoked programatically using similar APIs in the javax.el package
namespace, even if you're not using JSF.



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