I found my problem. I was treating "path" as if it was a forward.
Too bad exceptions don't have those.

--- Paul Benedict wrote:

> Can someone tell me why this doesn't work? Is this a bug?
> Here's my setup:
> 1) My controller is setup to treat input attributes as forwards.
>    <controller ... inputForward="true" />
> 2) I have a global exception which goes to my "inputError" path.
>    <global-exceptions>
>      <exception ... path="inputError"/>
>    </global-exceptions>
> 3) I have a global forward which is "inputError"
>    <global-forwards>
>      <forward name="inputError" path="tile.generalError"/>
>    </global-forwards>
> 4) And "tile.generalError" is a name of Tile definition.
> When the exception gets thrown in my application, it locates
> the "inputError" forward, but it errrs out on me. The 
> TilesRequestProcessor can't find a "inputError" definition,
> which it shouldn't since I really want "tile.generalError",
> so why isn't it going one more step to resolve it?
> Paul
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