On 5/18/06, Hey Nony Moose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

ahem ...

Can you guys please take it outside (i.e. offlist) and settle this among
yourselves.  Please?

Nobody else is interested.


Dakota Jack wrote:

> Heh Nony, you are as bright as the other trolls, like Newton, you hang
> with.

you unduly elevate me sir, I am not at all in the league of M. Newton,
an honour to be counted as such.  you besmirch Herr Newton by entwining
his persona with mine.

> I could care less about appearances, in case you had not noticed.

indeed.  a remarkable approach to life.  not unique, but not frequent.
the reserve of outcasts and the filthy rich.  congratulations on your
brave approach to life.  hope it brings you flowers and kittens and
blueberry gumdrops.

> You and Newton are the butt kissers around here.

ew!  my lips don't leave my face for anyone.

> I really don't think
> anyone thinks that I am swooning over anything.

whatever you reckon.  it's your dream ...

> I thought what Wendy said
> was funny.

and nothing that anyone one else has ever said on the list was also
funny?  so in a unique moment in time, someone saying "Does everyone
live in Portland? Maybe I should live in Portland. lol"  is the funniest
thing you've ever seen written on this list, deserving of immediate
repartee?  you are noted as a humourless agressor, my man.  amicable
behaviour from you is immediately conspicuous, and deserved
investigation.  (no disrespect to Wendy, and apologies for inclusion of
your text.  you became an unwitting pawn in this notorious list-pariah's
interminable maneuvers.  i recommend a browse through the archives to
see what flavour this dakota jack's mails usually take.)

> End of story.

we wish

> Are you at all interested, by the way, in the
> problem discussed here, or are you just dedicated to your office as
> troll?

oh, no.  HNM is purely entertainment for the masses (troll, if you
wish).  and by the way if any of the "committers" wishes to evict HNM,
I'm happy to exit the persona at any time, should it become a nuisance
to *real* struts list users.  no that's not butt-kissing.  it's respect
for the community.

> On 5/17/06, Hey Nony Moose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Dave Newton wrote:
>> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >>Does everyone live in Portland? Maybe I should live in Portland. lol
>> >Ooo, and here I was going to suggest controlled explosions to stop the
>> >plethora of web frameworks...
>> >Never mind.
>> >Dave
>> So you're suggesting just one succinct hit, round about ... say ...
>> Portland?
>> While we're at it, can someone trim dakota whatsisface's tree?  After
>> that dreadful fawning to Wendy on the back of what I take to be an "Oh
>> my God! she's got a harvard email address!" thing ...   "get me a
>> ..."

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