  I am trying to compare 2 values within a JSP using a logic:match tag as 
illustrated below:
  <% String menuRole = null; %>
  <% menuRole="SUPER" %>
     name="<%=menuRole%>" value="<% =LookupConstants.SUPER%>"> 
  //note that LookupConstants.SUPER returns "SUPER". 
  However, I get the following error whenever accessing the JSP:
  2006-05-21 14:44:17,700 [HttpRequestHandler-1635615] ERROR 
org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.InsertTag.doEndTag - ServletExcept
  ion in '/WEB-INF/pages/menu.jsp': Cannot find bean: "SUPER" in any scope.
  Can you please let me know what I'm doing wrong?  How can I use the menuRole 
variable in a compare tag?

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