Well since I am quite new to Struts, I just thought maybe something was wrong with the ActionForm, because the forwards doesn't work. They work for some parts of the system, but for others they don't.

In tiles-defs I have:

<definition name=".domainAdminEdit" extends=".tiles-adminpage" >
   <put name="content" value="/website/domainAdminEdit.jsp" />

and in the class DomainWebsiteAdminAction I have

* @struts.action-forward name="domainwebsiteAdminEdit.page" path=".domainwebsiteAdminEdit"

Basically, what I want to do is after I either remove or insert a blog, I want to be able to redirect back to the domainAdminEdit.jsp site. But right now I just get a blank page with no exceptions.

However, if I try to redirect to domainwebsiteAdmin.jsp, which I don't want to :-) , it redirects successfully. That's why I thought maybe the problem was in the ActionForm, because domainwebsiteAdmin.jsp uses domainWebsiteAdminAction and the domainAdminEdit.jsp uses DomainAdminForm.

I hope I made my self clear.  Although I often get confused my self :D


Dave Newton wrote:
Shervin Asgari wrote:
Is there a way inside my DomainAction class to change the actionForm
to point to DomainWebsiteActionForm?

Um. Casting?

What are you actually asking? You want to use one form on the page but a
different one in the Action?

       ActionForward forward =

What does the forward definition look like for domainAdminEdit.page?


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