Hi Antonio,
  >Oh boy your English gave me an headache!

  I am really sorry for my bad english.
  Following is my tile definition.
  <definition name="forwardDynamicTile" path="/WEB-INF/testLayOut.jsp">
  <put name="attribute1" value="attribute1Value" type="string"/> 
      <putList name="body">
          <add value="/WEB-INF/position1.jsp" /> 
          <!--Conditional Include--> 
          <add value="/WEB-INF/position3.jsp" />
          <!--Conditional Include--> 
          <add value="/WEB-INF/position4.jsp" /> 
          <add value="/WEB-INF/position5.jsp" /> 
  <add value="/WEB-INF/position3.jsp" />
  is the condional tile which will be added/removed at run time from the tile 
definition object based on some request flag.
  So my query is 
  What will happen when there will be multiple calls for the same Tile 
definition for both form of the tile object(with or without position3.jsp tile)
  Means for multiple user request , bcas the struts manages only a single 
object of the tile definition with the same single attribute hashmap as a 
member var. of the definiton object.
  This will lead to problem when simultaneous multiple user request will come.
  I had checked the references of that hashmap for multiple request while 
storing that map in servletcontext and using two different browser/session. 
  The reference of hashmap of attributes /tile definition remain same.
  PLs let me know ur commnets on this.

Antonio Petrelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  navin mca ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I my project at run time when modify the tile definition based on some 
> condition.
> Wht I want to know that when symultaneous request come for that tile (which 
> will be used in rendering the page for that request.) Unexpected results for 
> diff user.
> for e.g
> one userwithoutBody the from the tile definition we will remove the attribute 
> 'body' and for the userwithBody 's request we will add attribute 'body' in 
> the definition at run time.
> In the above scenerio is it possible that tile definition(where attribute 
> 'body' is removed for userwithoutBody ) can be sent back to userwithBody due 
> to multiple request coming for userwithoutBody & userwithoutBody.
> the above code is my action handler.
> Basically this qn. bvelongs to multithreading.
> Do i need to use synchonised block?
> Pls let me know.

Oh boy your English gave me an headache!
Anyway are you trying to modify Tiles definitions at runtime? If so, 
remember that you change it for EVERY user, at least if you are trying 
to use the default DefinitionsFactory.
If you want to give different Tiles definitions for different users 
(this is something like "MyYahoo" and similar) consider implementing 
DefinitionsFactory or FactorySet (that is better).
If you only need different tiles definitions with different user ROLES, 
then consider downloading Dimensions:

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Novin Jaiswal 
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