I think that the controller is always going to be in struts. There reason is this - the action will be obtaining some input, coordinating with the back-end services, retrieving the model to be rendered and then rendering the model into a view which could be HTML or XML/JSON which is more "ajax-ish". So obtaining the information is self contained. If you think of SOA or web services it is the same - the client calls a service for a result, and is self contained.

As far as separate views go - sure. But it would need to be controlled by the action and possible header or URI information. In the full page case you get more information and return the whole page rendered by returning one result, in the fragment case you return a different result that returns a subset. I think this is how rails does it. But remember - if you are sending all the ajax request fragments to one action it is going to have to have a lot of different logic in it. The way I usually construct apps is to make a base assumption that ajax is being used and to create a namespace/URI that is for only ajax requests.

Hope this helps.


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Adam Hardy wrote:
I have only a small knowledge of the Ajax frameworks out there and I am trying to work out how much an Ajax app would depend on Struts.

I assume the view in an Ajax app is handled at the initial request by a JSP with HTML and that afterwards every request from the browser is XHR, ideally broken down on a per-data-item/list basis. The view HTML is from there on in handled by Ajax. In that case the Controller part of MVC would be managed entirely client-side. Therefore all that struts would have to offer the app would be Validator and perhaps a couple of other services. Or am I totally wrong? Can struts offer the ability to manage the Controller part of the app in such a way that the project could have two views - one in Ajax and one in JSPs?

I'm aware of much discussion of enhancing Struts Action 2 to facilitate Ajax development. It seems I'm missing something though. Can anyone elaborate a little on what it is facilitating?


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