> My point is that Eclipse does not, in the base IDE, have the knowledge to 
> build and deploy a web-app.  You can get that capability with ANT, which 
> gives you all the flexibility in the world about how you arrange your 
> project, or with a plugin, which requires you to arrange your project in a 
> particular way.

Just an FYI, things are still somewhat flexible within a project under
MyEclipse, if your deployment doesn't reach in to non-WEB-INF dirs.
(Some of the functionality comes from stock Eclipse.)

For example, on several projects we've had multiple source directories
(like, say, a unit test source dir, a generated java source dir, etc.)

You can set output directories for each source directory, so the
"regular" source dir and the generated source dir get dropped into
WEB-INF classes for automagic deployment, whereas the unit-test stuff
hangs out elsewhere, accessible to the ant file but not deployed by

We still tended to use ant stuff for creating the war files etc. because
we all hate IDE lock-in.


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