Gareth Evans <gareth.evans <at>> writes:

> One of the best ways to check it to extract the struts jars file to a 
> temporary folder and see which ones it contains.
> Note: The public identifier is an exact string match i.e.
> -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Commons Validator Rules Configuration 
> 1.1.3//EN
> is not the same as:
> -//Apache Software Foundation/DTD Commons Validator Rules Configuration 
> 1.1.3//EN
> (/ instead of //)

This actually makes sense.  We are in the midst of upgrading struts versions 
as well as introducing the validator to our application.  I most likely used 
the dtd for 1.2 while our struts version is still 1.1.  I'll examine dtds in 
the unzipped struts.jar.


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