On 6/5/06, J Gotsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Looking at the documentation, it's not clear on how I can use the <logic:match 
tag in the following scenario:

 <% String menuRole = "ABC"; %>

 Now, which of the following three is the correct syntax for the match 

 <logic:match name="<%=menuRole%>" value="ABC">
 <logic:match name=<%=menuRole%>  value="ABC">
 <logic:match name='<%=menuRole%>'  value="ABC">


The name attribute is the name of the bean in the specified scope (or
the usual findAttribute() cascading search in all scopes) -- see this
page [1] for details -- thereby the correct snippet per the intent of
the one above would be:

<bean:define id="menuRole" value="ABC"/>
<logic:match name="menuRole" value="ABC">
 <%-- Do something --%>

Or you could do a pageContext.setAttribute() or if in a setup action,
a request.setAttribute().

That being said, its recommended to use JSTL and/or EL wherever
possible. The JSTL equivalent would be:

<c:if test="${fn:contains(menuRole,'ABC')}">
 <%-- Do something --%>


[1] http://struts.apache.org/struts-action/struts-taglib/tlddoc/logic/match.html

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