Joe Germuska wrote:
technically, you would use

<logic:messagesPresent message="true" property="org.apache.struts.action.GLOBAL_MESSAGE">

It has been observed that this is kind of cumbersome. A nice enhancement (that just about any willing volunteer could do, hint hint :-) ) would be to enhance the logic:messagesPresent, logic:messagesNotPresent, and html:messages and html:errors tags to have another attribute, "global" which if it had the value"true" would save you from needing to know that verbose property name.
Is ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE going to be deprecated? I use org.apache.struts.Globals.MESSAGE_KEY instead.

I suppose a temporary solution to this would be to create wrapper tags in JSP and use JSTL and struts-logic, but writing all the delegate attributes for 3 different custom tags might end up being more cumbersome :).

- Scott

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