On Thu, June 8, 2006 3:07 pm, Michael Jouravlev wrote:
> So your argument is basically that database roundtrips will degrade
> performance.

Yes, but that's only one aspect of it... scalability is also a factor, as
is number of breakage point, as is cost, because to overcome the first two
you have to spend more.  Not to mention complexity, and the need to hire
people with more database expertise.

> This should not (ideally) bother an application
> developer. A framework should care about that.

As far as who provides the actual code, I agree.  But certainly the
application developer has to worry about how the architecture affects
performance, scalability, stability, etc, whether they write the code
themselves or not.

> If
> database has already defined the rules, they should be used.

But can you even code all the complex business logic in the database that
you might require?  I suppose you could write stored procs in Java... I
wonder how much more difficult that would prove than business classes on
the app server? (I've never done it, so I don't know)

> But I
> don't want to repeat the same rules again and again.

This part we definitely agree on.  But a Craig pointed out, there are
different kinds of validation rules, and the repetition is limited
somewhat by the domains being different.  What I mean is, you want to
create a new Student record in the database... you may want to validate
that the first name, last name and teacher's name are entered.  You do
that in the presentation (whether on the client or server, doesn't matter)
because they aren't "business rules" per se.  You can do this and not
duplicate the code (use Commons Validator, can be called via AJAX if you
want, I've done it).  Now, when you save the record, the record is to be
tied to the teacher's record.  So, now you have a referential integrity
check: does the entered teacher's name exist?  This isn't a check you
would generally do in the presentation layer anyway, they are really two
separate concerns, and appropriate in different places, so there's no real
duplication there.

To summarize my thinking, I think there's really three different types of
validation: presentation, business and data model.

The presentation-type validations are where you many times see
duplication... i.e., Javascript to see if a first name is filled in, then
that same check done on the server, since that double-checking is of
course a best practice.  I think there are ways to avoid that though:
doing those validations with Commons Validator and calling it via AJAX,
and still letting those SAME RULES fire when the final form is submitted,
does the trick (or letting Struts generate the client-side validation
code, if you want to avoid the AJAX call).

For business rules, these are the "is the entered dollar amount greater
than the max value for this client?" sort of validations.  I find these to
be more appropriate on the app server, NOT in the database, for a variety
of reasons (all the reasons I mentioned earlier, plus the fact that many
times you find that you want a chain of such validations, which I think is
easier to build outside the database using a real CoR implementation).

Then you have the database validations, things like referential integrity.
 In other words, only do validations here that couldn't be done previously
without hitting the database.  This also simplifies the data tier because
it tends to reduce the number of stored procs (read: code in the database)
that has to be written... most of this can be done with triggers and such,
which aren't really code, not as much as stored procs anyway.  In other
words, I view the database as a database and not an app server,

> Unless I use several databases or design a
> clustered system, I am not tempted to use EJBs at all.

I've historically HATED EJBs for various reasons... I think EJB3 finally
begins to get them right, and I think you may be surprised how and where
you want to use them all of a sudden.  Another discussion for another day
though :)

> Check out Stripes, great stuff.

Yes, it's on my "take a look at that" list already :)


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