I have had such scenarios, sometimes in your xml if you have tabs or other
escape characters it adds them on as text nodes while parsing. So you may
have to modify your xml to be free of such characters.

To find it out print out each node type, you will be able to resolve.

Hope this helps.


On 6/9/06, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Krishnakanth wrote:
> Note : I just took the getElementByTagName("table") that time I got the
length as 2 it is ok.but after that I iterate that NodeList in a for loop
and take NodeList.item(i).getChildNodes, Now I get some 8 or 10
childs....So I'm totally confused....
> Any Idea Please advise....

Me too, since you didn't provide any information about how you're
accessing the XML, etc.

Simplistic XML merging (for me) has generally consisted only of a couple
of hash tables and loops and minor decision-making about which
attributes to use for node 'equality' comparisons.

It sounds like you're having problems at an even higher level, i.e., you
don't know how to use your XML library. Can't help, don't know what
you're using and how it represents elements.

> Urgent !!! Urgent !!! Urgent !!! Urgent !!! Urgent !!!

If it's that urgent you might want to consider Google or an XML forum.


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