Hello friends
I am trying to send mail from my application
Here is the code
            Properties properties = System.getProperties ();
            properties.put ("mail.smtp.host","smtp host name");
            Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance
            Message message = new MimeMessage (session);
                message.setFrom (new InternetAddress
                message.setRecipient (Message.RecipientType.TO,new
InternetAddress ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]"));
                message.setSubject ("Hi ");
                message.setText ("How is it going ?");
                message.setSentDate (new Date ());
                Transport.send (message);
                System.out.println ("Message sent !!!");
            catch (MessagingException e)
                e.printStackTrace ();

But this code is giving me exception 
javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host:
usncex10.ad.diebold.com, port: 25
is there any additional setting's required for this one
plse let me know 

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