
All of a sudden tomcat has stopped settign session cookies.  I have
been developing on my local machine for approx 1yr. Now, When I goto my
webapps home page: http:/, tomcat is rewriting
the URL as;jsessionid=DAF0604E76E234C157A9BFDF53FD2617,
indicating that it is not setting a session cookie.  When I check the
session cookie folder C:\Documents and Settings\user\Cookies. There is
no jsessionid cookie.  

When I set a cookie from within webapp, the cookie is set as normal and
stored in the cookie folder C:\Documents and Settings\user\Cookies, and
is retrieved by my web application.  

Why is Tomcat not setting a session cookie?  

I configured my browser to accept all session cookies.  I am using
Windows XP Pro, with IE6, j2sdk1.4.2_08, Tomcat 5.0.28.  

This has been working as it is supposed to for 1 year.  

Can anyone explain what is going on?  

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