>From: "Sean Schofield" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I am writing an application that is using MyFaces tree2 to allow the 
> user to navigate to a more detailed view of the item they click on. I 
> just wanted some feedback on the following strategy: 
> The node in the tree has an action method that puts the selected 
> node's id into the request as a parameter. The String returned by the 
> action method navigates you to a general detail page which is 
> associated with a ViewController. The vc's init() method reads the 
> node id out of the request and pulls the necessary info out of the 
> data. 
> Does this general approach make sense? 

I think that's exactly what the extra callbacks on the view controller should 
be used for.  You could use the setter injections stuff on a managed bean to 
grab the values out of the request but without the view controller, you 
wouldn't have a good hook for pre process or staging logic since the view root 
doesn't have these kind of events.

> TIA, 
> Sean 


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