>From: drh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hi all, 
> i'm using the clay tag to import a template inside a typical login form: 
> ------------------------- 
> | login: [__________] | 
> | pass: [__________] | 
> | submit | 
> ------------------------- 
> The template contains the login, password and submit button, and have the 
> "required" attribute for the login and password inputs. The problem is that 
> when 
> the form is submitted, if it fails, the page is repainted with the components 
> duplicated: 
> -------------------------------------------- 
> | login: [__________] | 
> | pass: [__________] | 
> | submit | 
> | login: [__________] "login" is required | 
> | pass: [__________] "password" is required| 
> | submit | 
> -------------------------------------------- 
> What happens? 

I bet you are using a version of myfaces greater than 1.1.1?   


> Thanks in advance. 
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