Shervin Asgari ha scritto:
request.setAttribute("websiteModel", new DomainAdminAction.DomainAdminEditPageModel( "domainWebsiteAdminEdit.title", request, response, mapping, dd));
           if (request.getAttribute("domainWebsiteModel") == null) {
               request.setAttribute("domainWebsiteModel", actionForm);

I get this compile error:
No enclosing instance of type DomainAdminAction is accessible. Must
qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type
DomainAdminAction (e.g. A() where x is an instance of

This is a compile error! And that compile error is dependent to your package not to Struts. Searching with "DomainAdminAction.DomainAdminEditPageModel" Google I found a thread of yours:
So I notices that class was yours not Struts' not even a third-party class.
Probably the "DomainAdminAction.DomainAdminEditPageModel" class is not static, therefore you cannot instantiate it without an enclosing instance.
Before writing "Bug in Struts" in your subject, think about it twice.


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