Consider a scenario of a clustered environment where there are multiple
servers handling requests from an application. On each of these servers
session object will be replicated. This means that the same request can go
more than once.

Shouldn't this solution fail then?


On 6/21/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've read many different techniques to stopping double submits, but one
technique unfamiliar to me was described inside the Spring Framework.

It did not occur to me to lock the session to make sure that, within a
user's dialog with the server, only one request from a session makes it
through. Now read that carefully: not one user, but one request from one
user. So 1000 different threads can be running, but locking the session will
ensure each is from a unique session.

However, this class exists because some application servers do not
guarantee that the same HttpSession object instance is re-used between
requests. But the application server does need to guarantee the same object
instance with the session... So Spring provides this class (nothing but a
marker interface) if you want to head down this road.

What do people think of locking the session via a session object? I like
it, but I haven't implemented it -- but I want to use it if the feedback is
good. I have a few places in my application in which I want to make sure the
user progresses through my cattle chute in an orderly fashion.


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