>In an earlier post, Craig responded to a question by saying "Personally,
>I consider putting view controllers in session scope to be a pretty bad
>idea, and would
>lean towards making this a restriction.   (Putting non-view-controller
>backing beans in session scope to save state across sessions is fine.)"
>(The whole post is included below if you're interested) 
>This makes sense if a ViewController is our in-memory object
>representation of a page, since a page only lasts for one request.
>Well, I was looking at the Shale samples and in the rolodex example, the
>ViewController (backing bean) for the rolodex is stored in session
>  <managed-bean>
>    <description>
>       View controller for the JSP view rolodex usecase
>    </description>
>    <managed-bean-name>rolodex</managed-bean-name>
>    <managed-bean-class>
>      org.apache.shale.usecases.rolodex.Rolodex
>    </managed-bean-class>
>    <managed-bean-scope>session</managed-bean-scope>
>  </managed-bean>
>I understand that samples don't have to reflect best-practices, but I'm
>curious as to what the best-practice would be.

The rolodex example doesn't use any of the view controller callback methods but 
the full html and xml template views assume the default "managed-bean-name" 
is the name of the view controller.  In these usecase apps we tried to isolate 
the features demonstrated.

But, you are right, this is not the best practice use.

>Should your ViewController object be in request scope, and get injected
>with a non-view-Controller that could live in any scope.  The
>non-view-Controller can have model objects injected into it.  This way
>the ViewController can handle all view related methods, and pass through
>to the non-view-Controller for business methods which then get passed on
>to the model objects.
>Should your ViewController object live in request scope, and just get
>variously scoped model objects injected, and after that just work as
>both a View and non-view Controller.

The problem you run into with the view controller in session scope is when you 
have a post back and then navigation to the same page.  In this scenario, the 
callback methods are invoked twice on the same instance since it's session 
The symbols example would be a better example 

>Shoud you do something else completely different from either of those
>two scenarios?


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