This is a helpful advice, I always use "name" explicitly. But in this
case this is not it. According to source code:

=== cut here ===
       // Look up the form bean definition
       FormBeanConfig formBeanConfig =

       if (formBeanConfig == null) {
           JspException e = null;

           if (mapping.getName() == null) {
               e = new
JspException(messages.getMessage("", calcAction));
           } else {
               e = new JspException(messages.getMessage("formTag.formBean",
                           mapping.getName(), calcAction));

           pageContext.setAttribute(Globals.EXCEPTION_KEY, e,
           throw e;
=== cut here ===

Here mapping != null, but mapping.getName() == null. And I don't
really know why.

Another interesting gotcha is that FormTag removes Constants.BEAN_KEY
from page context, therefore implicit references to outer form will
not work after inner form closes. I would suggest not to put one
html:form into another. But this should not be the reason for
Caroline's bug.

On 6/29/06, David Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Since they are different forms and different beans, have you tried using
them in the same form but adding the html:select attribute
name="SelectUsersForm" ?  That way it uses
SelectUsersForm.getSelectedUsers[i].isSelected() ?  Example:

<html-el:checkbox name="SelectUsersForm"
property="selectedUsers[${idx.index}].selected" />

I've mixed fields from different beans inside of the same single form before
using the name=".." attribute without any problems (as long as my beans were
already instantiated). For fields from the default form (the one used by the
html:form action attribute) I didn't put the name="..." because it is
assumed but I did add name="..." when I wanted to "insert" other bean field
values into my JSP.


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