Depending on what version of Struts you use, there *IS* in fact an AJAX-enabled version of the HTML taglib:

However, this taglib is now superseded by a far superior option:

This is a part of the Java Web Parts project:

Note that this is a completely different thing than the AjaxTags the other poster mentioned. They have quite different focuses, so check out both and see which suits your needs (I obviously have a bias as to which is better!) Also note that in the next 24 hours or so, a new, almost completely rewritten version will be released (rechristened AjaxParta Taglib) which is considerably better in just about every way.

For more generic information on AJAX and Struts together, check out this Wiki page, which includes a link to an introductory article which includes a simple Struts-based example application that might be of interest:

Lastly, you could have a look at this example application that is a concrete and more substantial example of AJAX within a Struts app:

Note that this application is featured in the upcoming book "Practical Ajax Projects with Java":

I hear it's a pretty good book ;)


You can use...

There are no tag libraries in Struts for AJAX.

Thanks and regards,
Pazhanikanthan. P (Paz)

Consultant for AXA,
HCL Australia Services Pty. Ltd.
Off   : +61-3-9618-4085
Mob : +61-0411-354-838

chamal desilva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
03/07/2006 01:57 PM
Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List"

To: cc: Subject: Struts and AJAX


Can I use struts with AJAX. Does struts has classes
and tags for AJAX or do I have write my own code.

Thanking You,

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