Hi All

Here is the most recent video I uploaded to Google Video.

        Java ONE 2006 Highlights Days 1

If you have never been to JavaONE it will give you a rough feel of this event.


        Kenneth Russell, Romain Guy
        (Java 2D / JOGL / Mustang SE / Flickr - Google Maps Mash-Up )
        A full demonstration of the famous AERITH application
(This is probably more useful for Vik Cekvenich and his RiA ideas. But if you are considering WebWork and XWork as the back-end to drive your
forthcoming rich internet application with Swing as the front-end then
the you might look at this, ok)

        Gavin King SEAM

        Click and Hack-it Bros (Neil Gafter and Joshua Bloch, the Java Puzzlers 

        Patrick Lightbody, Jason Careirra, and Don Brown
        (I think this was Day 2 footage that got merged up with the Day 1 tape)
Anyway this was a short section of the TS 3682 talks with the Struts Action Framework demonstration. Essentially I captured the demonstration of the WebWork Freemarker syntax theming of the WebWork tags.



Peter Pilgrim  ( Windows XP / Thunderbird 1.5 )

_________                         ___________________  + Expert Java
______  /_____ ___   _______ _    ___  ____/__  ____/  + Enterprise
___ _  /_  __ `/_ | / /  __ `/    __  __/  __  __/     + Design
/ /_/ / / /_/ /__ |/ // /_/ /     _  /___  _  /___     + Architecture
\____/  \__,_/ _____/ \__,_/      /_____/  /_____/     + Web New Age

On Line Resume
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