Nope. I'm using the default commons-validator and strus libs shipped
with 1.2.9. And sorry but did not understand your XYZ example ?????


On 7/3/06, Paul Benedict <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Make sure you're using the correct ValidatorXYZForm base class. 
ValidatorActionForm uses the key of the URI, ValidatorForm uses the key of the 
form name.

Did you recently upgrade Struts or the Validator?

Vinicius Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I did a deeper look on my project, 
enabled debug output and even
though on the log it says that the requestprocessor is calling
validate, my validate method on my class (gave up on validation using
xml) does not even get called...

Any ideas?


On 7/3/06, Vinicius Carvalho  wrote:
> Hello there! I'm trying to use form validation (It was working, but
> somehow, I messed something and it quit working). Here are my files:
> struts-config.xml
> type="com.acme.RegisterAction"  name="userForm"
> input="/">

>         property="pathnames"
>         value="/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml,/WEB-INF/validation.xml"/>

> My UserForm extends ValidatorActionForm!
> When the user submits, instead of returning to the input page and
> display the errors he's redirect to the action that deals with the
> register.
> Any ideas?
> Best regards

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